The granting of a degree "Doctor of Philosophy" (Dr. phil.) requires the following achievements:
- the writing of a doctoral thesis (monographic scientific dissertation) which displays the research method as well as the results
- the participation in a ninety-minute examination colloquium.
The general admission requires a master or equivalent degree with an overall average grade of 2.3 or higher (doctoral degree regulations §3, section 1, p.7).
The admission additionally requires the proof of ability in at least three of the following Ancient Egyptian language stages (doctoral degree regulations, appendix p. 75, section A.): Old Egyptian, Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian, Demotic, Coptic. [A minimum of 20 LP/ECTS in Middle Egyptian and collectively 15 LP/ECTS in two of the further language stages.] The languages can be acquired during the course of the conferral of the doctorate.
The general admission requirements are stated in the doctoral degree regulations.
Usually, the doctoral thesis has to be written in German. For an enrollment, applicants have to demonstrate a very good knowledge of the German language in form of the "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber" or equivalents thereof (further information here).
Modalities of examination
A doctor thesis in Egyptology has to fulfill the following requirements (doctoral degree regulations §10, p.11):
(1) The dissertation topic shall be within the responsibility of Department 07, research focus Egyptology.
(2) The dissertation must provide a new insight into the discipline in question.
(3) The following requirements apply to the dissertation: correct use of language, faultless
external form complying with scholarly standards, typed and bound.
(4) As a rule, the dissertation is to be written in the German language; alternatives are English or French (both with proof of language proficiency on C1 level) given that the supervisor and the respective department council approve.
(5) The dissertation may not have been published or submitted as an examination
requirement as part of a different examination procedure.
Degree regulations
New enrollments are possible within the regulations of the current doctoral degree regulations (April 2016).
Already enrolled post-graduates may be tested under the terms of the hitherto existing doctoral degree regulations (as amended in June 2012), but may choose to follow the new regulations as per their own choice.